Non-Compliance detail

Licence number: 4848
Annual Return Start: 17 Aug 2022
Annual Return End: 16 Aug 2023
Date Received: 17 Oct 2023
Licence Condition numberType of non-complianceEPA actionsNo. of times occurred
L3.4 Air Concentrati Licence Point 79 – Air Dryer 256B VOC emissions to air concentration exceeded the EPA Licence limit of 40mg/m3. The concentration recorded for the sample was 81 and 53mg/m3. EPA action determined as part of scheduled inspection program 2
L3.4 Air Concentrati Licence Point 76 - Air Dryer 256A VOC emissions to air concentration exceeded the EPA Licence limit of 40mg/m3. The concentration recorded for the sample was 80 mg/m3. EPA action determined as part of scheduled inspection program 1
L3.4 Air Concentrati Licence Point 73 - SFE VOC emissions to air concentration exceeded the EPA Licence limit of 40mg/m3. The concentration recorded for the sample was 240,107,114,181 mg/m3. EPA action determined as part of scheduled inspection program 4
L3.4 Air Concentrati Licence Point 68 - Data not recorded for continuous monitoring while in operation. All other parameters were well within licence limits for the 2022/2023 year. EPA action determined as part of scheduled inspection program 10
L3.4 Air Concentrati Licence Point 32 - Building 837 in the RDX manufacturing plant VOC emissions to air concentration exceeded the EPA licence limit of 40mg/m3. The concentration recorded for the sample was 1540mg/m3. EPA action determined as part of scheduled inspection program 1
L3.5 Water and/or La Licence Point 2 - Monthly samples at EPA Licence Point 2 were unable to be taken. EPA action determined as part of scheduled inspection program 7
L3.5 Water and/or La Licence Point 43 - No sample taken due to limited discharge to river during weekly period. EPA action determined as part of scheduled inspection program 8
L3.5 Water and/or La Licence Point 43 - Emergency Discharge to Murray - after proactive engagement with the NSW EPA, the facility began a controlled discharge of high salt effluent under a range of environmental monitoring controls due to extreme rainfall & flood risk. EPA action determined as part of scheduled inspection program 46
L3.5 Water and/or La Licence Point 43 - BOD concentration limit exceeded the EPA licence limit of 10mg/L. The concentration recorded for the sample was 83mg/L. EPA action determined as part of scheduled inspection program 1